What is Creative Art Therapy
Bayley Arts is proud to offer an incredible Creative Arts Therapy program.
Creative Art Therapy is a creative process to help people explore emotions, increase self-awareness, and reduce anxiety.
We are proud to have two incredible instructors who are professionally qualified Creative Arts Therapists registered with Anzacata the peak professional association for Creative Arts Therapies.
Squid Ink Press -Cyanotype Printing
Bayley Arts is excited to welcome Squid Ink Press to our studios. Saturday 18th May 11am to 3pm Cyanotypes are created using a photographic process using a lightbox or the sun and can be made on paper or fabric, creating a beautiful blue image. You will learn: • How to mix the chemicals correctly and apply to both paper and fabric.  • How to create a cyanotype using the sun and lightbox. • How to manipulate chemicals to achieve variations in blues Everyone will have the opportunity to create a few prints and also make a cyanotype on a...
Plastic Problems - Bayley Arts Gallery
 Plastic Problems, represents the meeting of Bayley artists and environmental activist and artist Carolyn Cardinet and their immersive journey into the devastating environmental impacts of waste and plastic pollution on our beautiful coastal waters and our vulnerable marine life. Works include hanging sculptural forms weaved from found plastics, film, prints, watercolours and installation.  You are invited to the exhibition opening of Plastic Problems at Bayley Arts Gallery. Friday 1 March 6pm to 8pm RSVP 29 February hello@bayleyarts.com.au or here Exhibition from: 2 March to 5 April Download PDF invitation Gallery hours: Mon - Fri 11am to 5pm or...
Bayley Arts Update December 2023
Bayley Arts launched 12 weeks ago. In that time we have achieved so much. We have had 5 exhibitions with over 1000 people coming through our doors. We have hosted 15 evening and weekend art classes and held 7 events.
Here is Susanne Ciavatta our Community Arts Engagement Manager talking about what we have achieved in such a short time and what we have planned for the future.