Connection: Art brings us together 

Connection: Art brings us together 

Showing until 12th September 2023

In 2022 Bayley artists were able to gather and connect in person for the first time in many months. After experiencing the many challenges that the previous years brought, the theme of ‘Connection’ resonated with many and became a focus for art making. This culminated into the current body of artworks made in response to how Bayley artists feel connected to community, nature, special relationships, places we live and sharing food.

In 2023 connection continues to be a strong theme for our overall wellbeing. Art plays a meaningful role in bringing us together; it gives us avenues to meet new friends, start new conversations, tell our stories, and ignites collaboration with our neighbours. Bayley Arts extends our capacity to create an inclusive space for artists with diverse backgrounds, practices and ideas to come together as a community and celebrate our differences.

Connection: Art brings us together, is a fitting ode to the ethos we bring to Bayley Arts. It is also a celebration of the vision and hard work by past and present staff, families, friends, supporters and Bayley artists who have all made Bayley Arts possible.


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