Squid Ink Press - Multi block lino printing

Bayley Arts is excited to welcome Squid Ink Press to our studios. 

Saturday April 20th and April 27th  11am to 4pm


Multi block lino printing uses more than one block of lino to create a layered print, each block being inked with a separate colour. Students will be able to produce an edition of coloured lino prints at the end of this 2 day workshop. 

What students will learn:

• How to translate a drawing onto a lino block and into a print.

• How to use a press, and other printing methods by hand so you can complete the entire process at home.

• How to draw a registration sheet to line up your lino block perfectly to create a seamless and beautiful coloured print

• How to use carving tools and maintain your tools

• About the different kinds of printmaking papers and their uses


Includes tea, coffee, cake and lots of fun!

What to bring: 

An apron or wear clothes they you don't mind getting dirty.

Squid Ink Press was created by Elizabeth Hickey and Rachel Bonnici to promote printmaking across the Mornington Peninsula. Both Elizabeth and Rachel are practicing printmakers with very different approaches to their art.  ELizabeth's practice is based around traditional printmaking techniques  and figurative work, whereas Rachel is more spontaneous, experimental and takes her imagery from the subconscious and the surreal. Together they make a great team and provide students with an opportunity to learn and experiment with this exciting and adventurous process. Printmaking is endless and truly addictive!

Find out more about Squid Ink Press here; www.squidinkpress.com.au

$240 Adult or $220 Concession for two days

To book your ticket you must contact Squid Ink Press directly; squidinkpress33@gmail.com

Or call 0407 360 943 

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